How fun!
This is a piano like in Tom Hanks movie Big. This sucker cost one quarter million buckeroos. Can you imagine have that to splurge on the kids? ha

This is one magical place. I would love to have some of these wonderful oversized stuffed animals in my home for us all to enjoy. Immediately I thought of Randy Pausch when I saw the larger than life animals. I love his last lecture and all the fun and joy he had and shared with us all during his last few years. Thank you Mr. Pausch, you are my inspiration.
This is one magical place. I would love to have some of these wonderful oversized stuffed animals in my home for us all to enjoy. Immediately I thought of Randy Pausch when I saw the larger than life animals. I love his last lecture and all the fun and joy he had and shared with us all during his last few years. Thank you Mr. Pausch, you are my inspiration.