Thursday, November 09, 2006

Look what I grew!

It was a beautiful morning. So after I returned from taking Baylee to school, the great outdoors called me. I decided to work on the side bed by the driveway. The potato vine was looking a little rough and it was time for it to go bye bye for the season. So I pulled it up and threw it over the side of the cliff. When I went back to spread out the dirt evenly I noticed a large purplish bulblike thing bulging from the ground. Here is a picture of it. It must have come from my potato vine, I guess I grew a potato the size of a cantalope. Haha! so funny looking. Anyway, I am not sure what to do with it. I wonder if I can store it for the winter and then plant it next year and get a potato vine. I am going to do some research and find out. Hot afternoon!


Joyismygoal said...

Why not eat it? That isfunny and cool>

Anonymous said...
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Joyismygoal said...

long time no post. Are you OK?