Baylee's Bradford Pear! We had one at our old house and it was Bay's favorite so we planted one here for her, however we made sure we got the right one this time, the one that blooms first and then gets leaves. At the old house it always had leaves and blooms at the same time.
Here is a Japanese Snowball bush (viburnum).
It gets more exquisite each year.
If you could smell on the internet you would be amazed at how wonderful and sweet this stock smells. Everything is fresh and white!
Oops! I do have dandelions trying to take over in the area with sparse grass!
Viburnum one more time.
I am just thrilled to pieces to see Spring popping up. The Bradford pears all around my office are just bursting with whiteness and it makes my heart sing. I want to go play in the woods!
Thanks for sharing
wow I have smellivision so I smelled them, they smell wonderful, actually maybe it was a sensory memory from years of living next toyour beautiful gardens I miss them so much
I'm so excited. Every day I can tell our cherry blossom trees are getting closer and closer to actually blossoming. They are going to be beautiful!!
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