Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Well I chose a hot day in autumn to work in the yard. Mom bought me 2 flats of pansies. Thanks Mom!! Today is very humid and no breeze, but the weatherman said this afternoon it will all change, rain and coolness is on the way around 4pm. Texas weather, keeps us guessing. So that sent me to the garden. I dug out all the zinnias (boohoo, they were still pretty) and tossed them over the wall. Then I worked thru all the ants and roly pollies to work the dirt (found some nice juicy worms). The pansies started getting wilted as I worked. I pulled out a few other things that didn't perform well this summer and tossed them over too. So anyway, I worked up a sweat out there for over an hour and it is done. I will wait and see.

Life is as messy as gardening sometimes and this has been a week of mess for me. Everywhere I look there is some kind of problem. I think it must be the change of the seasons that makes people weird. Anyway, as I was working I was thinking of how when I don't like something in the garden it can be taken care of so easily, just ditch it and start over. Life is not like that, we have to work thru our problems. However, it does help to surround ourselves with beauty whether it is a sweet smelling rose or a sunny day or a good friend we have been missing. I am going to try and look at all the beauty around me and drown out the ugliness of this selfish world. I need some rose colored glasses. Anybody have some?

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