With all the heat that has come back to our fall days, I am longing for my 2004 trip to New England. So I have been looking thru some photos and thought I would share some. If you haven't experienced Autumn in New England you should find a way to get there soon. It is absolutely breathtaking. The photos are mostly from Vermont and New Hampshire and the actual colors were much brighter than the photos.
What are your memories of fall? Mine are the pumpkin patch field trip from my kids Elementary years, running thru the leaves in Botanic Gardens and throwing them all over each other and then my sister in law lost her wedding ring and we did not know it until we left. We developed the photos and saw where she last had the ring on and then went searching. Guess what? We found it. Amazing. Botanic Gardens in the fall is a beautiful place for a Saturday afternoon walk. I also think of the cool crisp air, the apple cider, caramel apples, pecan hunting on the Air Force Base Golf Course, hay that makes me sneeze, carnivals, carving pumpkins, roasting pumpkin seeds, leaves blowing the wind, acorns, squirrels gathering acorns, getting to wear sweaters again, halloween costumes, candy, camping, and pumpkin pie. Have a happy fall, when it comes back to visit before winter arrives.