Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lost and Degrassi

Writers strike has brought me to this. I must confess I have been watching Baylee's show that she has been watching for years now. Well there is a marathon on and it is replaying all the episodes. Over the years I have watched it with her just to spend time together. She started me on the marathon and I have to admit I am hooked. It is weird high school stuff and I have to wonder if kids really act like that and she tells me that they do. It is quite intriquing. I have seen date violence, a school shooting, jealous relationships, bipolar, cheating, and lots more. Kids do put up with a lot of crap these days.

My very best friend Caren loaned me the Lost 1st season. Roby and I started it last night. It is really good for the mind. Escape. I need that. We watched to whole first cd. only 6 more to go of the first season. Three seasons and the 4th is supposed to start soon. Yippee!

Also, I have been reading 3 books at one time. I will discuss that later. Oh yeah my car is broke so I am stuck at home and loving it (for now). Trapped like a beast in a cage with lots to do. I need to get back to my organizing and decluttering. I did actually do some cleaning today all the while I was fighting a doggone PMS headache. It seems to be happening more frequently and intense pain. The dirt from all the tractors hit the windows all day long. I wish they would hurry up and finish. I am tired of the dirt work. If it would stop I could wash windows. I am ready for spring. Some daffodils have sprouted.

I am rambling, must be stress or may be I am tired. Good Night for now.

1 comment:

Joyismygoal said...

Never heard of the show but they do put up w/ a lot