Roby hiking around in Yankee Boy Basin.

Hot Springs Inn Hotel Room

View from the balcony.

Down at the bottom of Box Canon Falls.

The view of Ouray from the top of the falls!

One of our stops on our way to Imogene Pass!
They call this area the Little Switzerland of america because of the tall tall mountains. Cool Crisp Ouray, Colorado, I found my new favorite place this summer. It is simply a piece of heaven on earth. The tall mountains, beautiful rivers, awesome small town, canyons, this place is magical. We learned all about hairpin turns and switchbacks. We stayed at the Hot Springs Inn, which was nicely located to town and had 2 king size pillowtop beds and every room had a balcony that viewed the mountains and Uncompahgre river.
We visited the Wiesbaden Hot Springs Spa where the waters are pure and continually flowing natural hot springs without the sulphur smell. The natural Vaporcave had flowing hot springs and a soaking pool at the temperature of 108 degrees. Talk about relaxation, we healed and rejuvenated our sore bodies. 10 minutes soaking in the vaporcave, 10 minutes cooling down, and then 10-15 munutes in the outdoor natural spring pool at temps of 99-103, then cool down, drink fresh cool spring water and start the process over again, for 3 hours of relaxation, I felt loose as a rubberband when I left there. If I was rich I would have me my own vaporcave. We didnt get pictures of the cave because it would fog up the camera.
We rented a jeep and went 4 wheelin in the San Juan Mountains, up to Yankee Boy Basin( formed by a volcanic upheaveal, shaped by glacial ice and erosion) and Imogene pass, saw Camp Bird, what a majestic adventure that was. Nestled between tall mountain peaks we saw some spectacular views. Talk about overcoming fear, Baylee and I did for sure. It was bumpy rock mountainside thru waterfalls and old delapidated mines. We climbed to 13,114 elevation and even found snow. It was a fun scary thing, Then I got addicted and decided I couldnt wait to do it again!!
We went river rafting the next day. The rapids were not too good, our riverguide was a girl with armpit hair. YUK. It was more than Roby. We have better rapids on the Guadalupe, next time we will have to go in June when it is really running fast.
We visited the Box Canon Falls, hiked up a steep cliffs and overlooked the city of Ouray pronounced YOUR-ay. It looked like a Norman Rockwell portrait.
Ouray is famous for its ice climbing that it has in the winter time.
We camped at Ridgway State Park and enjoyed a dinner of watermelon, roasted marshmellows and campfire popcorn. Yum Yum.
We traveled down the Million Dollar highway (no guardrails, many hairpin turns and lots of switchbacks and full of aspens which I am sure are beautiful in the fall) to the city of Silverton. Wild west is what I thought of the minute we entered the city. I told Baylee they could have and ole western shootout at any moment and guess what. We turned the corner and they were shutting down the street to have a shootout. I ate soup in August and it was 43 degrees. That is wild stuff for a Texan who sees only 100 temps.
I decided to have a Blue Spruce tree for Christmas this year, they are so graceful.
We passed thru Durango, and all I have to say about that city is congestion and touristy. The people of the city did not protect it from the big chains coming in so it is not my style.
As you can see, I loved western Colorado in the summertime small town of Ouray!