Who holds you together when you and your world is slipping into crazy mode.
BEWARE!!! mushy ahead!!!!
I have been blessed with the most fabulous husband on Earth. OK...sounds a little cheesy, I know! Anyhow, this guy showed up in my life a little over 23 years ago out of nowhere. Life changed drastically. I was in love, twitterpated. Nothing else mattered except for what I was going to wear to the next date and how long it would be until I saw him again. We have been through a lot in the last 2+ decades. I never could have imagined all the busting our butts to make a wonderful home and life for our family. We fought hard for our dreams and I have been at wits end and this guy held me together, kept me grounded and focused. I will say it again, I have been blessed. He gives me distance when I need it. He is not an "in your face kinda guy". We have the same focus in life and common dreams. When I get crazy and disgruntled, he holds me together. I don't know how but he does. He is an awesome chef and basically great at whatever he touches. Did I say he is a terrific handyman? He is my bright and shining star. He is the greatest loving father a child could want. I hope my children are fortunate enough to find a partner like him. Don't get me wrong he is not perfect by far, ( I thought he was when we first married), but he is perfect for me. I want to say thanks for putting up with my junk!!! I hope we are lucky enough to live long lives and entertain each other for 50 more years. UGH! We will be old and droopy!! haha!
I week ago we celebrated our 23rd anniversary. This post is a little belated!!