Monday, May 07, 2007

deep thoughts

Deep thoughts.....I have them often, then something comes and steals them from me and I cannot even remember what I was thinking. Ha! May 25th....important date....Johnny's back (captain Jack that is) in action. Baylee and I can't wait.
Here I am at the computer in the middle of the night again. Insomnia leads to daytime exhaustion which if I even try to nap my mind wanders and spins out of control. Is it possible to die from sleep deprivation? I remember when the kids were little, I was sure that I was close to death when they would keep me up all night, well actually it was just Ben who was the nonsleeper. He still doesn't require much sleep. He skateboards before he reports to work at 8 am and then he works until school time and then he still has energy! Amazing Kid!!! He is a constant state of action.
Bay only has 4 weeks of school left and then she will be a jr. She was accepted into the cosmo program, so for the next 2 years half of her day will be spent there. I know she is excited! I am too, maybe then she can pamper me when she needs a guinea pig. Her stalker is still in pursuit.
I have allergies this spring...what the heck...idk...i usually only suffer in the fall....however, i have these horrible itchy watery eyes.
These are not the deep thoughts I was having.........

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