Sunday, September 17, 2006

Rainy Day!!

Don't you just love a rainy day? I sure do, everything is so clean and perky. The flowers bloom brighter, the grass is greener, the pavement is free of dirt, and even the birds seem happier. This has been a wonderful gray day!

Baylee found her shoes for Homecoming, so cute too! Ben left to go back to his home and school in Houston. We enjoyed his surprise visit, even though it was short, it was nice to have him around. His laughter and great attitude brightens up the house. I am so proud of how successful he has been so far on his own. He even made the guest bed when he got up in the morning, something he never did even once when he lived here. I will miss him but we will do our regular text messaging.

This morning in the paper I read about the new book, For One More Day by Mitch Albom, coming out September 26th. I love his novels, and this one I hope is just as gripping as the others. I definitely know who I could chose to spend my "one more day with". It has been over 15 years since my sister in law was taken from our lives. I have missed her so, especially in the last year. I have needed her by my side to share life with me. She listened so well and had so much love that I can still feel it when I think about her today. She would have been able to direct me and help me understand life's bumps. Her son, Adison, is a wonderful young man and Gina would be so proud of him and how he grabs life by the horns. It is amazing how much he is like her even though he was only 2 when he last saw her. Yes, I would definitely want one more day with Gina. We would take the kids to the zoo or park and just play with them and have a wonderful day. We would go shopping at the mall to check out the latest styles. Gina was always awesome in keeping up with the styles and finding the bargains but yet sometimes splurging on the "got have it" item. Yes, we would have a wonderful day together!

I also read in the weekly review, first in a series on American Values, an excerpt from the book Baylee is now studying in sophomore English, To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch says to his daughter, Scout, "If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it". This is such a true statement. I think I will be looking for this in the paper weekly now because it seems to be an excellent commentary. It is so easy to judge one another when we don't really understand the core of what they have experienced.

This week will be a busy one, with work, school, gardening, birthdays, and just everyday stuff. Trying to take one day at a time and enjoy it to the fullest as the gift that it is, that is what I will be trying to do.


Joyismygoal said...

i liked that quote and I agree w/ it. the older i get the more i realize we are all in for struggles, they are all different and to us our trials are the worst because we are experiencing first hand the pain I know we can never total walk in someone elses shoes but trying is showing you care!

Joyismygoal said...
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Joyismygoal said...

i liked that quote and I agree w/ it. the older i get the more i realize we are all in for struggles, they are all different and to us our trials are the worst because we are experiencing first hand the pain I know we can never total walk in someone elses shoes but trying is showing you care!

Joyismygoal said...

i liked that quote and I agree w/ it. the older i get the more i realize we are all in for struggles, they are all different and to us our trials are the worst because we are experiencing first hand the pain I know we can never total walk in someone elses shoes but trying is showing you care!

Joyismygoal said...
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Joyismygoal said...

i liked that quote and I agree w/ it. the older i get the more i realize we are all in for struggles, they are all different and to us our trials are the worst because we are experiencing first hand the pain I know we can never total walk in someone elses shoes but trying is showing you care!

Joyismygoal said...

i liked that quote and I agree w/ it. the older i get the more i realize we are all in for struggles, they are all different and to us our trials are the worst because we are experiencing first hand the pain I know we can never total walk in someone elses shoes but trying is showing you care!

Joyismygoal said...

Yikes!!!! Wow, that went crazy maybe you could get rid of those i tried But no luck sorry dear.

Lana said...

I will go and look at those book, you made them sound so
"must read now"!

marcia told me about your blog, welcome!