Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hardy Perennials

Susan, a friend of mine and my former neighbor of 18 years, asked me for some gardening advice. She wanted to know what she could put in the garden of her beautiful new home that would be hardy and easy to care for. I went out to my garden to explore what had survived the blistering hot, dry days of this summer. To me these would be the ones to try because if they survive 2006 then my goodness they are consider troopers in my book. So here is what I came up with as I explored. I will try to post some photos but I am having a little difficulty figuring out how to do that on this blog thing.

Feel free to add any plants that have survived in your garden, I am always looking for new suggestions as well.

Easy Texas Perennials

Salvia Greggi- full sun , height 3 ft and spread of 3 ft., blooms March- November, red, white, pink, purple, orange, the red performs the best but the others are great too. Great for hummingbirds and butterflies.

Texas Lantana- full sun or part sun, blooms orange, yellow, or pink, April-Nov, can spread up to 5 feet wide, don’t get this confused with the regular lantana, it must say texas lantana or Camara and Horrida

Pincushion Flower (scabosia)- butterfly blue and blooms continuously except for Jan and Feb, 2 ft., clumps, full sun to part shade, likes well drained soil, butterflies love it

Rosemary-full sun, 3 ft tall & spread, evergreen, needs well drained soil

Indigo Spires Salvia- Full Sun, 4ft X 4ft, blooms blue 18” spikes from April-Nov

Flame acanthus (Anisacanthus quadridus v. wrightii)-full sun, or part shade. bushy 3 ft tall and wide, blooms orange-red June-November, woody, cut to 6” at the end of season, Also called the hummingbird bush.

Russian Sage- full sun, 3 ft X 3ft, blooms a lavender blue from May to Oct

Yarrow-(achillea)- Full Sun, Partial Shade, 3ft x 2ft, blooms yellow, white, red, and pink from April-June, very drought tolerant, with nice fernlike foliage

Purple coneflower (Echinacea)-full sun, blooms purple or pink, height 2-3 ft, bloomtime April-Oct., excellent performer

Turks cap-Full Sun, Partial Shade, Full Shade, 4 ft X 3ft, red blooms May-Nov

Texas gold columbine- partial to full shade, blooms yellow March-May, height 2ft,

Sundrops (Calylophus)-full sun, blooms yellow March-November, use in front of bed as a border, height 1 ft,

Verbena- again get the perennial one, I believe it is call Homestead Purple, front border plant, full sun or part shade, blooms March–Nov and grows 1ft by 2 ft.
The plants I have listed are very hardy but of course they all need good drainage. And remember to prepare your soil. Silvercreek materials has a great bedding mix that is very reasonable by the truck load. If you need their number let me know and I will find it. Happy gardening. Oh yeah, Planting in October is a good idea. Green Mamas on Davis Blvd and Stuarts Nursery in Weatherford carry these plants.
Happy Gardening!!

1 comment:

Joyismygoal said...

wow perfect
i love this more later