Nature is my therapy...and I need a lot of it!! I find that being outdoors helps me in my journey to peace.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
100 degrees
I cannot believe it but my thermometer hit 100 degrees today at around 4:00. I hope this is not a sign of what is to come. I was enjoying the wonderful springlike weather and then summer decides to tumble in. AC is running nonstop, doggie is panting, and I am running around trying to keep my transplants alive with water jugs!! Life in Texas...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Beautiful day to spend in the garden
This morning after my morning coffee I strolled the garden to see what was new or might need my attention. I told myself I was just going to enjoy and not work. I was overcome with temptation and started pulling bermuda and other unwanted items from the walkways. Then I drifted to the potting bench to find my hand spade. I then started digging up some passion vine for to pass along to my newfound gardening friend who happened to move in across the street. Yay, finally someone else that is interested in gardening. She stopped in last week for a tour of the gardens and asked if I had any passalongs to please bring them over. Well of course I have plenty so I am preparing a goody basket. I noticed she got herself a load of compost today and is busy putting it out. On with my morning, after much distraction from my other neighbors wild retirement party, I continued on with my manic gardening. Poor hubby weedeated the yard for 2 hours and my daughter mowed. I did transplants, washing down, weeding, and planting. Now I am exhausted and sunburned. A great stroll in the garden filled a day with pleasurable work. What do folks without gardens do with their time?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Garden Bloggers May Bloom Day
Black eyed Susan ,Gloriosa Daisy
Pink Guara
Red Salvia Greggi and Yellow Jerusalem sage
Blue Mist Flower
Oxeye daisy

Anthony Waterer Spiraea
Achillea Yarrow
Red Corn Poppy
Broadview of my wild meadow (self seeded)
Coreopsis and Rocket Larkspur

Anthony Waterer Spiraea

Unknown from seed
Gazania (perennial in my garden 3rd year)
Sundrop(calylophus) with Yarrow

Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena aka. Bachelor Button
Indigo Spires with Red Salvia
Pink Deutzia
Hot Lips Salvia
Autumn Sage Salvia Greggi

Blue Salvia
Pink double bloom Poppy
Rocket Larkspur
Shasta or Oxeye Daisy

Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena aka. Bachelor Button

Blue Salvia

Gerber daisy, Snapdragons, french hollyhock, spurge, brazillian verbena, paprika yarrow, pincushion flower, meadow sage, old blush climber rose, red cascade rose,
desert willow, tangerine beauty cross vine, oxalis, primrose, tomatoes, elderberry,
yellow butterfly bush, pinks, and purple verbena.
Budding but not blooming:
texas gold lantana, red lantana, purple coneflower, purple loosestrife(lythrum), zinnia, russian sage, attraction butterfly bush, sunflower, oleander
Everything is later this year for my garden, we had a terrible hailstorm about a month ago that pushed everything to start from scratch growing again. June Bloom day should be spectacular. happy bloom day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Carol at May Dream Gardens for bringing gardens from around the world together!
Be sure to visit her blog at
garden bloggers bloom day
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
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