Today I got an interesting phone call from my neice. She called and said she wanted to paint her suitcase, oh I mean bookcase. She said she wanted sparkly blue and then changed it to hot pink. She asked me to go to the store and get some paint so we could paint it. Well of course Aunt Kim can. I went to home depot and bought supplies (should have bought more sponge brushes). Anyway, I was greeted at my car by 2 excited children. I quickly changed into my paint clothes and drifted back 13 years when my kids were this age and so easily amused by such a project. We moved the bookcase to the patio and they went straight to work. I was not given much of a chance at first. They painted and painted and I tried to teach them how to do it. When it started to drip, Luke said "It's melting", such a fun way to describe it and it did look like it was melting. I said it is dripping and he said, no it is melting. They painted almost the whole thing and then decided I could finally have a turn. So I proceeded to touch up a few spots and then cleaned up. It was fun.