My Lesson today is from my hero, the late Randy Pausch. I am studying the Last Lecture AGAIN!! This book is a must have. Sooooooooo many lessons!
Quote from the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch...
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."
My Aunt Betty is all in the attitude in which we view life. This week I buried my beautiful Aunt Betty. She did everything at a snails pace, never, ever was she in a hurry. She took time to smell the roses in life. She had the most gorgeous smile and attitude. There were many, many, many hurdles in life for her yet she never raised her voice and always tried to find the best in everyone around her. I know that she is experiencing pure joy in Heaven today! Aunt Betty played her cards right, Thanks for such a great example. We will all miss you.